
From concept to reality: The 40-day journey of Ask Twimbit

May 30, 2023

From the success stories of emerging startups to the latest news on how the biggest companies continue to surprise us, our passion lies in telling these compelling stories and empowering businesses to make a difference.

We want to express these stories in a way that is enjoyable and accessible for all, covering everyone from the enthusiast to the professional. With that in mind, we’ve launched Ask Twimbit, an intelligence tool that aims to revolutionise how we access and interpret research data.

The purpose of Ask Twimbit

The latest innovation in the industry, ChatGPT, became a focal point for us to begin our own personal creation, Ask Twimbit. Our program essentially asks, “Can we make research easy for the user to access?”

Leveraging the capabilities of the now widely used ChatGPT, we wanted to make access to research easy and accessible. The idea with Ask Twimbit is to create an environment where under any circumstance, the user has unlimited access to our platform’s vast info pool, all in a bite-sized and digestible format.

Ask Twimbit intends to provide users with the desired industry intelligence quickly and efficiently, combining insights from various reports to give a clear and purpose-driven answer.

“Our groundbreaking intelligence tool, Ask twimbit, aims to answer all your pressing questions at lightning-fast speeds while backed by research-driven insights. We hope that our intelligence tool will not only propel you to new heights but catalyse a new future on how we consume research.”

Varnika Goel

Research Director and Co-Founder

The process of making Ask Twimbit

During our launch, we realised there was one minor hurdle which we had to first overcome. These were the initial security concerns and compliance risks that arose from compiling internal and external data into Ask Twimbit.

“Acknowledging the importance of the risk was a first huge step to Ask twimbit’s success, yet we still needed to maintain innovation and agility. We wanted to make sure everyone’s first experience with the intelligence tool was one to remember. For us, Ask twimbit needed to be an experience that’s as simple as a Google search.”

Manoj Menon

Managing Director and Founder

Through long nights and pure persistence, the development team worked hard to ensure the front-end user interface was intuitive and easy to navigate. This involved data sanitisation to minimise the need for extensive training or user education.

Testing also played a crucial role in its development, with continuous and stringent tests to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction. Furthermore, the feedback we garnered from the internal team and early adopters proved invaluable in refining the tool’s capabilities and identifying areas for improvement. This iterative approach allowed Twimbit to enhance the user experience by finetuning the bot responses and tailoring our research responses.

Ask Twimbit, changing the way we research

The capability of Ask Twimbit’s responsiveness, ease of use and accessibility is exactly what we envision as our game-changer in the research industry.

“Now, instead of sifting through multiple reports, users can ask a single question and receive a comprehensive answer based on insights from multiple research pieces. We believe the change starts with research and how you access it.” – Manoj Menon (Managing Director and Founder, Twimbit)

This streamlined process saves time and provides users with a holistic understanding of their research topics, empowering them with actionable insights for informed decision-making.

The Twimbit Blog provides an opportunity for Twimbit’s analysts to experiment and test ideas, gather user feedback and opinions, all while moving research forward. Because the content posted here does not undergo our standard review, all comments or opinions expressed hereunder are those of the individual contributors.